Antony Frost

I am the Vice Chairman of TEAMGlobal (The European Atlantic Movement) which is an independent non-party political educational foundation and is registered as a charity. Our vision is to promote not only an understanding of world affairs but also to encourage young people in the UK to examine current issues in national politics, inspiring them to become active global citizens who will assume leadership roles within their communities. We organise conferences for sixth formers and university students; members' days which entail visits to embassies or other institutions followed by tea at the House of Lords and a tour of the House(s) of Parliament; and study tours to Brussels and other cities of international importance.

Previous to this I was a Councillor for North Bedfordshire Borough Council. I became a Member of Liberty over 20 years ago. I support other organisations promoting a better understanding between the UK and the European Union. My main concern on leaving the EU was not so much the economic or migration argument, it was the realisation that this would lead to the UK losing its democratic way of life. This has unfortunately been demonstrated in many ways including restrictions on our right to protest, restrictions on the media and courts and erosion of civil society. One of the most recent illiberal bills was the Election Bill. As we move to the Hungarian model of government corruption will flourish. This has to resisted through greater awareness among the public which will be difficult in a time of financial crisis.


CouncilSam Coates